Saturday, June 18, 2011

Noam, Wellness and the Weekend

I've started my summer reading with Noam Chomsky's Hopes and Prospects admittedly quite slowly to absorb the knowledge; one topic I've read recently is his take on Neo-liberalism.

Chomsky critiques this term by positing that what it refers to, the "socio-economic regime is not new, and it is not liberal" but affirms that it is a "common enemy of democracy and development in the modern period". Rightly so as he further supports these assertions: "Reviewing the neoliberal experience of the preceding quarter century, a study of the Center for Economic and Policy Research finds that it has been accompanied by slower rates of growth and reduced progress on social indicators- the most meaningful measure of social health. That holds for countries from rich to poor."

Lets review some facts on health in the United States. Currently cancer is the cause of at least 2 out of 10 of all deaths in the U.S., vitamins and minerals are often lacking in processed foods and this is correlated to ADD/ADHD in children, nearly 6 out of 10 Americans over 20 are overweight (sic Gilbere 'Chemical Cuisine'), and proven birth defects from herbicides have been published to name a few.

So while growth and productivity in the U.S. economy began to slow in the mid-1970s when neoliberal policies were imposed and our health compromised, economic "gains were heavily skewed toward the rich". With poverty comes shortcomings of educating our population like Detroit's staggering 47% illiteracy rate. I'm sure we've all heard of Michael Moore's Roger & Me and General Motor's oppressive and job killing hand on Flint, MA. Other not so visible examples include Corporate Human Rights Abuses in Nigeria and Paraguay, consequences of so called "free trade agreements". And lets not forget Monsanto's RoundUp Ready and seed patenting crimes and role in making GMOs rampant in the U.S. food supply (see The Future of Food).

If there is anything that should be most valuable to us, it should be our health. If our government and their agency the FDA isn't looking out for us, to protect us from corporate toxicity, we have only ourselves to look out for each other. Demand truth in labeling practices and shop locally and when you can organically and preservative free as possible. That is why I support and shop regularly at our local farmers market Sprouts, and try to attend Colorado's Boulder and Longmont Outdoor Farmers Markets.

My boyfriend Phil and I went to the Farmers Market today in Boulder and I picked up a bottle of wine of berries & grapes grown in Palisades, CO for my dad and soap and cleanser from Fort Collin's Queen of the Meadow for myself. Queen of the Meadow makes all natural beauty care and household products, check out their ingredients and most helpful page on ingredients to avoid. We also had the pleasure of enjoying a free little concert from Boulder's Kutandara Center which featured an ensemble of people playing various xylophones, shakers, trombone, sax and a singer. Such warm and sunny music and musicians playing beautiful music from Zimbabwe!

Unfortunately, neo-liberalism policy appears to be still supported by our government as indicated by recent headlines signaling corporate "'triumph of the market,' thanks in large measures to public subsidies, public sector innovation and development, protection, straight bailouts and other such devices". In the face of all this I see mainstream media like CNN somewhat questioning rich, out of touch presidential candidates that are as Noam puts it "packaged and sold like toothpaste and cars and life style drugs, and by the same industries dedicated to delusion and deceit."

When it comes down to it, who is looking out for your health and for the health of your loved ones other than yourself and the few select independent outlets, health and earth conscious brands and resources like farmers markets that I am so grateful for? To me, it's important to be as mindful as possible and to take care of each other. Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there!

PS. I meant to mention last weekend, last Sunday was also the annual Gay Pride parade in Denver, my friend Drea, took a cool pic. So many things happening this summer, can't do em all..! But had to give a shout out.

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